Book Subjects
Book Subjects.
Their Cow Chair consists of a complete, uncut hide of a cow; that is all that is needed to create a sturdy piece of Furniture. A tea set service is stained with golden tea splashes straight from the manufacturer.
Iconic works like these have been catching the attention of museums, companies ad design press for over the last ten years or so. Niels van Eijk & Miriam van der Lubbe’s areas of interest sometimes seems perfectly at home in the agenda that has made Dutch Design so well known. But they are just as likely to tunnel their way out of that particular pigeonhole. With their fascination for the technical execution of experimental products, their liking for a measured touch of banality and the flexibility of their working methods, they prove adept not only in craft or industrial products but also in exhibition layouts and interiors. Subjects is a monograph that illustrates and discusses the huge scope of their work and places it in a wider context. The development of their studio and the relation of its output to current design issues also receive critical examination.
Texts: Gert Staal
Design : Joost Grootens
010 Publishers Rotterdam
English, 196 pages, 210 x 150 mm paperback
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